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The monograph Pleasure Arousal Dominance summarises the art activities of Dorothée Elisa Baumann, which were realised in 2009 and 2016. She plays with the setting of the practices and high-tech tools of a centre for basic research in Switzerland in the field of cognitive neuroscience and places them in a dialogue with the tabooed practice of aura photography. 


Dorothée Elisa Baumann is an interdisciplinary cross-media artist who questions Western ideologies and the Swiss technological culture in which she grew up.

Texts by Joerg Bader, Anne Immelé and Pascal Rousseau.
Design: Noah Bonsma and Dimitri Reist, B + R Grafik, Bern
Editions Centre de la photographie Genève (CPG)

Distribution: Les Presses du réel

If you are interested, please order here: Les Presses du réel
ISBN: 978-2-9701014-6-8
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