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Noorderlicht Festival Netherlands, 2019

A philosophical critical text is put into a format of public space – the TV news station.  A television presenter from a TV station reads from a teleprompter during 2h19min19sec19frames the essays of the philosopher Susan Sontag ’On Photography’ published in 1977 by Farrar, New York. The professional news-speaker is challenged by the content, the language of Susan Sontag, which disturbs the professional nature of the protocol as a newscaster. For instance, the personal perspective the text takes and the fact, the media space she is acting in real-time is criticised.

I am grateful for a great collaboration with:
News-Studio - Telebielingue Biel/Bienne Switzerland, 2018 
with the support of the news team of Telebielingue, Biel/Bienne 
Speaker: Stefanie Günther Pizarro 
Program Manager: Sophie Hostettler 
Technical direction TV studio and realisation: Daniel Maron 
Sound: Linus Ehi

Text: Susan Sontag

© Concept, art direction, final cut: Dorothée Elisa Baumann 

2h19 min 19 sec 19 frames
Performance in a TV broadcast studio

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