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Que la force soit avec toi
May the force be with you

in the framework of the exhibition
"Phenomena. The unexplained in front of science" 
Curator Philippe Baudouin

Museum of the History of Medicine 
Festival PhotoSaintGermain, Paris
12th, November, 2022

 Photographies: Marina Zborowski | Université Paris Cité

Dorothée Elisa Baumann invites the visitor to experiment with human perception as part of a historical exhibition on the European spiritualist movement: in situ with waves invisible to the naked eye, the aura, the visitor experiences his own color spectrum. A device built in the 70's by an American electrical engineer (Guy Coggins), who built the camera according to his own perception; for Coggins has been seeing people's auras since his childhood. The artist recognizes the indigenous knowledge of the First Nations of North America on the spot. 
The European spiritualist movement was strongly inspired by it, without ever recognizing it. 

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